What We Do
At Prestige Consumer Healthcare, our mission is to deliver high-quality consumer healthcare products that improve and enrich the lives of our consumers. For generations, our trusted brands have helped consumers care for themselves and their loved ones.
Our Company culture is founded on the principles of Leadership, Trust, Change and Execution. Of those principles, Trust is among the most important: Trust in the safety and performance of our products, the integrity of our manufacturing and marketing processes, the character of our people, and the benefit to our consumers and society.
We are passionate about these core values and our ability to positively impact all of our stakeholders. Below is a summary of the many ways we empower this vision.
Find out more detail in our FY24 Sustainability Report.
Our People
A critical factor to executing our company's mission lies in attracting, developing and retaining a diverse workforce and leadership team. We strive to create and sustain an inclusive environment where all people are inspired to achieve their full potential.
Code of Conduct: All of our employees operate adhering to a Code of Conduct that embodies our Company culture and goals. This Code addresses our policies around virtually every aspect of our business practices and commits each and every one of our employees to the highest standards of ethics and legal compliance.
Read our Code of Conduct here.
Diversity and Equality: At Prestige, we take pride in having a diverse workforce which possesses a wide range of backgrounds, personalities, ideas and talents.
We continually review our company employee demographics to help us adhere to our principle of diversity and inclusion. We assess ratios around gender, age, ethnicity and other factors like job function and pay equity to ensure we are fostering an equitable and diverse work environment.
We also believe in working productively with one another and our stakeholders to ensure long-term success. Some of the ways we encourage this is by:
- Recruiting: With employees across the U.S. and the world, we understand the importance of hiring and advancement practices that ensure diversity and equality at all levels of the organization.
- Monitoring: We have a strict conduct policy that fosters a work environment that is free from intimidation, harassment and violence. Our team employs a process to investigate and resolve any potential conduct or ethics concerns that may violate our mission of diversity and inclusion.
Strategic Development and Empowerment: We strive to create and sustain an inclusive environment where all people are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We provide meaningful responsibility and development opportunities to our employees worldwide. By empowering our employees to develop and enhance their skills we help each reach their full potential and in turn helps our organization succeed.
Health and Safety: We are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees, and require employees to share our concern for the safety of themselves and colleagues by abiding to rigorous safety measures. To enable this we conduct monthly training programs in our production facility operations to assure that the message of health, safety and well-being are part of our work culture. We comply with all federal, state and/or local occupational safety and health standards and report our safety records in accordance with OSHA.
Governance: Prestige employees and its Board of Directors are committed to operating the Company under the principles of efficiency, fairness and integrity, and encourages behavior that will maintain the public’s confidence and trust in its people and operations. The foundation for our Governance practices are contained in the Governance Documents and Charters which are available here.
Our community & consumers
Prestige Consumer Healthcare is a responsible corporate citizen and we are resolved to live by our principles as we continue to grow our global business. We seek out opportunities to be active members of our communities and join with others to enhance the lives of our neighbors and consumers. Our brands and employees engage with communities where we operate to help support the causes that are important to our stakeholders.
We encourage employees to become actively involved in the community and enable office locations the freedom to develop programs that are appropriate to their community's needs.
- Donations: In total, we donate significant product and monetary contributions each fiscal year, donating approximately $4 million in total over the last three fiscal years alone. Our Company donates to a variety of worthwhile causes across needs. We also have an employee matching program which allows employees matching contributions to the charities of their choice. We sponsor a number of charitable events and also support employee charitable efforts.
- Day of Giving: Our Tarrytown headquarters employees spend a day every December giving back to the nearby communities at hospitals, animal shelters and family support and rehabilitation centers among many others. Other office locations support their communities through various volunteerism charity events including blood giving and food drives.

Tarrytown headquarters employees dropping off food for needy families to the Feeding Westchester organization on our annual “day of giving” in 2019.

Australia employees in Sydney (in orange Hydralyte visors) volunteer annually at Special Children’s Christmas Party and help 5,000 special needs children and their families navigate the presents area.

Lynchburg employees arriving at Daily Bread to cook and serve meals to the homeless and underserved of the Lynchburg community.
Consumers: At our core we create high-quality consumer healthcare products that improve and enrich the lives of our consumers, each based on rigorous testing and development through consumer insights. Our goal is to offer consumers products which exceed their expectations for quality and efficacy.
- Monitoring Feedback: We operate a call center, based in Virginia, which receives consumer feedback and works to further enhance our products and understand the consumer experience. All employees across the organization are tasked with communicating any consumer feedback promptly as outlined in our Code of Conduct.
For all consumer feedback this center is available by e-mailing
Membership: We are proud members in CHPA (Consumer Healthcare Products Association), a 138 year-old organization which helps advance consumer and government knowledge of the healthcare cost savings and other benefits of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines versus prescription medicines.
Our planet & partners
We are part of one global community, planet Earth. Our company shares the burden of managing resource usage and other factors that affect future generations. At Prestige, we are committed to this mission and to strategically addressing our environmental resource footprint. We have taken steps to assess our impacts from our own facilities and throughout our supply chain and even to our products, allowing ourselves knowledge that will inform our company strategy moving forward.

At our Lynchburg, Virginia manufacturing site we undertake annual efforts to fulfill this mission.
Measurement: We assess our Carbon Footprint annually, measuring our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to better understand our organization’s carbon footprint to help identify risks and opportunities around carbon. This includes assessment of scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions to provide a holistic viewpoint of our own operations and that of our partners, where the majority of our products are produced.
Additionally, we measure waste, water, and energy specifically at our manufacturing location to assess usage cycles and ongoing opportunities to continue to improve recycling, reduce total water usage, and find additional ways to reduce electrical usage.
Partners: We are committed to managing our over 100 global suppliers in a responsible manner so that they are aligned with our mission and values. We require each supplier to share the same values our Company embraces and adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines environmental and social responsibilities that are aligned with our mission. This code is a standard communication across all suppliers, which allows us to convey to each our formal expectations around expected business practices. This serves to actively aid our partners in their ability to observe to our values and standards.